


  Living in the mobile Internet age, college students cannot be separated from the Internet now. Some creative students have seen business opportunities from microblog and WeChat. Three students from a university in Guilin registered an account on WeChat to deliver meals. Now they handle more than 2,000 orders every day, providing a lot of convenience to other students. More students choose to set up online shops and sell various kinds of items. Through running their own business, college students can earn their tuition. What is more important, they have cultivated their practical ability.


  1.第1句中的“日常生活在移动网络黄金时代”可处置为充斥中心语,用那时分词词组livng in the mobile Internet age 来抒发。“早已有赖于网络”可译作cannot live without the Internet,但由于句末已经加进living,按英文防止多次重复的抒发生活习惯,该处可译作cannot be separated from the Internet now.

  2.第3句中的宾语“柳州第一所理工学院的”极短,故将其处置成前置宾语,用助动词词组from a university in Guilin来抒发。“注册登记了两个QQ外卖帐号”中,“QQ”是两个因特网,表处所,译作on WeChat,放于中心语“帐号”(account)后。宾语“外卖”表目地,西势厝分词词组来抒发,译作to deliver meals.

  3. 第4句“那时她们……,给老师……便捷”有两个从句,详细分析发现,后这段话是前这段话的结论,故可将后这段话处置成结论中心语,译作分词词组providing a lot of convenience to other students,结构明晰明了。“全校师生的日常生活”中的“日常生活”可省略不译,只所译“全校师生”,不影响原文的原意。

  4.最后一句中的“更关键的是…可译者成词组What is more important或More importantly,或指涉字词 Whats more important is that…。培育了课堂教学潜能”隐含姿势已完成,故应该用那时完成时,译作they have cultivated their practical ability.

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